
Tires & Tequila Squad WOD


Tires & Tequila Squad WOD

Friday, June 8th 7:30pm



It’s time to kick off the unofficial start to summer with some good old fashioned tire flipping.

Friday, June 8th, we are hitting up one of the newest gyms in Long Island City.

Dutch Kills Fitness is hosting us for a Tires & Tequila Party at 7:30pm Friday, June 8th.

Get ready to learn how to flip tires and then crush a workout that will feature said tire flipping plus a sweaty pre-summer throw-down.

We are also welcoming an incredible woman who started a business while in college that was founded as a way to give back to children who have cancer.

Jess Ekstrom, who is the 2017 Women’s Health Ultimate Game Changer, will be in NYC for our all female throw-down.  She will tell us how she created Headbands of Hope which gives back to children dealing with cancer, and how following her passion led to a successful business and the ability to affect hundreds of thousands of young lives.

The ticket cost also includes a headband from Jess and Headbands of Hope!

After the all female, tire flipping extravaganza and chance to chat with Jess, we will head to a local bar to hang, chat and plan our next adventure!

RSVP to secure your spot as space is limited.

Proceeds will be donated to the Pinky Swear Foundation which helps children with cancer and their families deal with the financial hardships they encounter and provide invaluable emotional support.